
End the violation of Milagro Sala’s rights

On the 29th of June this year 2022, President Alberto Fernández traveled to the province of Jujuy to visit Milagro Sala, who is hospitalised after suffering a deep vein thrombosis. The president, the last time he had met with Milagro…

Milagro Sala hospitalised: statement from her lawyers and medical report

Statement from Milagro Sala’s defence team Yesterday, in the context of a growing context of judicial political harassment, Milagro Sala was admitted to the Los Lapachos Clinic with a case of thrombosis. This happened after Sala went for routine tests…

New international call for Milagro Sala’s release

Six years and four months after her detention, the International Network for the Freedom of Milagro Sala calls on the Argentinean President to release her and “other people arbitrarily detained in Jujuy”. The full text of the letter follows. 16…

Demands for freedom for political prisoners continue in Jujuy, Argentina

Milagro Sala was arrested on 16 January 2016 on the orders of Governor Gerardo Morales. On that day, a web of legal cases was unleashed to sustain her illegal imprisonment, for an indefinite period of time. The persecution was extended…

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