
My Name Is ARMFIN. I Am the God of Total Power

I am working these days on the global war in Ukraine and the financialisation of water and nature on a global scale. The freewheeling text below has emerged as a ‘side effect’.. RP Who I am. I come from distant,…

Beyond Money

Is it possible to imagine a world without money? Anitra Nelson, in her recent book, “Beyond Money: A Post Capitalist Strategy”, not only envisions that world but also gives it concrete shape, laying the ideological foundation of a post-money society…

The White-West: A Cultural Dictatorship of Money

Every day of late, we seem to hear a warning that goes something like this: “Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has highlighted the very real fact that authoritarian forces are on the rise and that democracy is under attack across…

The Great Divorce of the Century

The COVID pandemic has pushed the close-knit relationship between work and money towards a bitter divorce. Millions lost their jobs and their money, some kept their jobs and their money, and others goteven more money without doing much. This situation didn’t start with the pandemic, but…

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