No violencia

Open World Meeting New Humanism: “The human being as a central value”.

On the 5th, 6th and 7th of November, the Open World Meeting of New Humanism will be held virtually, with the slogan “The Human Being as a Central Value”. Its objective is to be an intermediate milestone for a larger…

“Some clues for nonviolence”: 6-Disconnection, flight and hyper-connection (a- Disconnection)

We transmit to you the study “Some clues for nonviolence” carried out by Philippe Moal, in the form of 12 chapters. The general table of contents is as follows: 1- Where are we going? 2- The difficult transition from violence…

“Some clues for non-violence”: 4- Is there more or less violence than yesterday?

We transmit to you the study “Some clues for non-violence” by Philippe Moal, in the form of 12 chapters. The general table of contents is as follows: 1- Where are we going? 2- The difficult transition from violence to nonviolence.…

“Some clues to non-violence”: 3-Prejudices that perpetuate violence

We are sending you the study “Some clues for non-violence” by Philippe Moal, in the form of 12 chapters. The general table of contents is as follows: 1- Where are we going? 2- The difficult transition from violence to nonviolence.…

“A few clues for nonviolence” : 1 – Where are we going?

“Quelques pistes pour la nonviolence ” : 1- Où va-t-on ? We transmit to you the study “Some clues for nonviolence” by Philippe Moal, in the form of 12 chapters. The general table of contents is as follows: 1- Where…

Overcoming Violence, a Social and Personal Necessity

Conference “Overcoming violence, a social and personal need”. By Philippe Moal Observatory of non-violence Centre for Humanist Studies Noesis University of Zaragoza, Spain University of experience Calatayud Campus: 24 November 2020 Épila Campus: 2 February 2021 Good morning, first of…

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