
Camposampiero says immediate ceasefire and peace talks urgently needed

National mobilisation in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and the victims of all wars. On 5 November a national mobilisation for peace will take place in Rome, Italy, with the slogans “immediate ceasefire, negotiation for peace”, “ban all nuclear weapons”,…

Madrid also joined in the celebration of the Day of Nonviolence

As usual, on 2 October, Madrid (Spain) joined in the celebration of the International Day of Nonviolence. And it did so in Casa de Vacas (El Retiro) during an event in which different organisations working in very diverse fields drew…

2nd October International Day of Nonviolence Celebrated in Bangladesh

by Mohammad Nazrul Islam   The Humanist Society of Bangladesh held a human chain program in Dhaka calling for an end to ethnic riots and deadly wars in the world. The call to the international community to stop the ongoing…


27 September 2022, El Espectador Beyond political parties, beyond faith or agnosticism, beyond the courage or fear that we carry on our backs, and beyond obsessions with enclosing ourselves between visible and invisible borders, something on which almost all of…

2 October, from Gandhi to Lula

On October 2, the Brazilian people have before them a challenge with enormous implications. On that day the population will decide a large part of its immediate future at the ballot box, electing in the executive branch those who will…

Argentina: Humanists reaffirm the need for a strong commitment to Nonviolence

In a communiqué entitled “Nonviolence, an urgent commitment”, the Humanist Movement of Cordoba welcomed the initiative of the League of Governors to “make visible the need to install Peace and Nonviolence as guiding principles of life in common in Argentinean…

The Dalai Lama – ‘Ocean of Wisdom’ and man of Peace – celebrates his 87th birthday

“The past is past; nothing can change it. But the future depends on the present; we still have the opportunity to shape it. This is not a matter of employing technology or spending more money, it’s a question of developing…

If only Picasso would raise his head!

Several media outlets have echoed in recent days how well the Spanish government had sold its culture to the NATO summit leaders and their companions in Madrid. The frivolity with which the events were broadcast was such that they seemed…

Weaponizing Nonviolence: A change of tactics required in Ukraine

Viewpoint by Jonathan Power. Nonviolence can get you a long way, often further than violence. Look at Mahatma Gandhi whose movement compelled the British to withdraw from India years before they planned to. His famous long march to the sea…

‘Nonviolent’ Deaths in War

Despite the waning coverage of the war in Ukraine by the mainstream media, the fighting nonetheless persists. The U.S continues to send billions of dollars in weapons to Ukraine, sanctions on Russia persist as the world suffers inflation and a…

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