Can Speaker Corey Johnson Do the Right Thing for the City and Humanity? Part 2

On voting day, June 22nd, we’d want a Comptroller, a Mayor and a Council to herald and expand these values and this model in our town. Are nuclear weapons a worthy priority during this crisis time of Covid?  Of course! …

Can Speaker Corey Johnson Do the Right Thing for the City and Humanity? Part 1

A City Council resolution, the cynics tell us, is “just words.” But the words in Resolution 0976-2019—which has languished for more than a year without a vote—very much matter. They point the way to a better and safer world. The…

Face 2 Face with David Rojas

On this show we are speaking with  David Rojas, Colombian activist living in New York, about the serious situation in Colombia where at least 19 people were killed during protests opposing tax increase and inequality.

#SOSColombia in Times Square in Photos

Rally taking place in Times Square, New York to demand an end to the horrific state violence being committed by the Duque’s government. This protest is part of a global movement in solidarity with the Colombian people all over the…

NYC Rally in Solidarity with Colombia

May 5 2021 Manhattan, New York – over a hundred people have gathered in NYC in Solidarity with Colombia, as at least 19 people are dead in Colombia as protesters oppose tax increase and inequality. Photos by Helena La Rota…

For Earth Day 2021, New Yorkers rally at the iconic Unisphere in Flushing Meadows, Queens and call for City Council to pass nuclear disarmament legislation – Resolution 976 & Introduction 1621

On Earth Day 2021, New Yorkers rally at the iconic Unisphere in Flushing Meadows, Queens. Call for City Council to vote and pass nuclear disarmament legislation.  Resolution 976 & Introduction 1621. For Earth Day New York members of the New York…

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