
Amal Jadou Shaka’a, Deputy Foreign Minister of the State of Palestine “We are driven by hope for justice”.

We were at the Embassy of Palestine in Chile, meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine, Amal Jadou Shaka’a, who was visiting our country before leaving for Argentina. The meeting was also attended by…

“Impasse” with Israel and crimes in Palestine: Broad and transversal support for President Boric’s decision

Different political sectors, as well as citizens, supported the Chilean President. One of them, Senator Daniel Núñez (PC), said that “what is ‘serious’ and ‘disconcerting’ is that while Israel implements a policy of extermination of the Palestinians, its foreign ministry…

What’s needed for peace in Palestine and Lebanon?

On September 13th, the Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF) hosted a webinar under the title “Palestine and Lebanon: What is to be done?” Speakers from WILPF’s sections in Palestine, Lebanon, Norway, and the US discussed the situation…

Young Palestinian innovator creates dental unit with reused parts

Driven by his father’s inability to go to the dentist, a Palestinian student has designed a dental unit from repurposed appliance parts. The idea of inventing a mobile dental device occurred to Abdullah Al-Baba, a Palestinian engineering student, when he…

Palestine: conversation on the right to water

How do you live when you have no running water in your home? Why and how is Israel drying out the Palestinians? How does the climate crisis affect access to water in the West Bank, and what does the future…

Palestine 2021: the year apartheid went mainstream

What has the year 2021 meant for the struggle of the Palestinian people? At a glance, it may seem that the situation has only worsened, and this is indicated by the numbers of children and young people killed or imprisoned,…

Palestine: Unfulfilled rights, unfulfilled promises

Since 1977, on or around 29 November every year, the United Nations has commemorated the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The date was chosen because of its significance for the Palestinian people. On this day in 1947,…

“Sindyanna of Galilee”: Extending the olive branch between Arabs and Israelis

Sales of award-winning olive oil worldwide helped empower 300 Arab women By Coco Cresswell In 1996 Hadas Lahav, a Jewish Israeli social activist, had a vision: a future of Arab-Israeli coexistence. That same year, through co-founding Sindyanna of Galilee, a female-led social…

Open Letter to the States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty on the Need to Impose a Comprehensive Two-Way Arms Embargo on Israel

We, the undersigned global coalition of leaders –from civil society to academia, art, media, business, politics, indigenous and faith communities, and people of conscience around the world– call upon the States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) to act…

Palestine: Academics, artists and intellectuals denounce apartheid

The Declaration on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid in Historic Palestine has been endorsed by over 900 scholars, artists and intellectuals from more than 45 countries. The signatories include many distinguished figures, including the Nobel Peace Prize laureates Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Mairead…

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