
School and the truth

In order not to make the same mistakes or fall into the traps that have dehumanised us to death and beyond, Colombia’s children and young people need to know what happened to us, why it happened to us and how…

For a World Pact, Now! for a Common and Universal Future of Justice and Peace!

On the global war that is now exploding in Ukraine. A vision of the South and of people who are victims of colonial wars We, united as inhabitants and citizens of the Earth, work for the peaceful and brotherly collaboration…

A brief history of Esperanto, the 135-year-old language of peace hated by Hitler and Stalin alike

Joshua Holzer Assistant Professor of Political Science, Westminster College In the late 1800s, the city of Białystok – which was once Polish, then Prussian, then Russian, and is today again part of Poland – was a hub of diversity, with large numbers of…

Expulsions that liberate

18 July 2022, El Espectador It is 6:12 p.m. on Saturday 16 July; I am walking along and I get the first message announcing news as petty as it is absurd: Humberto de la Calle – the only statesman we…

Manifesto on Economies of Care and Earth Democracy

On the occasion of World Environment Day on June 5, 2022, globalization critic, environmental activist and ecofeminist Vandana Shiva has published the Manifesto on the Economy of Care and Earth Democracy. This was done as part of her tour of…

Colombia, June 2022

5 July 2022. El Espectador There are days and months full of meaning, like May 68 when students and workers took the spring and the streets of Paris to protest against capitalism and imperialism, and De Gaulle had to anticipate…

The Dalai Lama – ‘Ocean of Wisdom’ and man of Peace – celebrates his 87th birthday

“The past is past; nothing can change it. But the future depends on the present; we still have the opportunity to shape it. This is not a matter of employing technology or spending more money, it’s a question of developing…

If only Picasso would raise his head!

Several media outlets have echoed in recent days how well the Spanish government had sold its culture to the NATO summit leaders and their companions in Madrid. The frivolity with which the events were broadcast was such that they seemed…

Words and Music: On Peace and Immortality

POEM AND A PIECE OF MUSIC       by Trudi Lee Richards   This mini-episode consists of a poem called “Unleash Peace” and a piano composition called “Heart of Hearts,” both inspired by a daily meditation for peace and…

Learning to narrate peace: Other narratives to write the future of the new Colombia

Published in Mundo Obrero In the new country scenario, shaped by the popular support for the Historical Pact and by the recommendations of the Truth Commission report, there is room for all classes and ages, all options and looks, all…

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