
The “strategic stalemate” between the United States and China

Following Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, many opinions were raised about what China could and should do in response. Last week we reviewed some of the actions that readers sent me as a conclusion to their own reflections. Many of…

Pelosi is the Symbol of a Dying Perspective

On August 2nd, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi became the highest-level U.S. official to visit Taiwan since 1997, against all warnings from China and from American officials, who said it could lead to more aggressive military posturing. The objective of the…

China’s PLA In Full Alert As Tension Escalates Ahead Of Pelosi’s Potential Taiwan Visit

The situation across the Taiwan Straits has drastically escalated as the military deployment from the Chinese mainland, U.S. and the island of Taiwan continues creeping up, after US and Taiwan-based media disclosed that U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected…

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