presidential election

Second round of elections in Colombia: “Tasty” dialogue with young people living abroad

Ahead of the second round of the presidential elections in Colombia, Pressenza invited Katherin Gómez, Camilo Espinosa and Francisco Rubio Pérez, young Colombians currently living in Córdoba, Argentina, to talk about their expectations, their dreams, their demands, their relationship with…

Overcoming the old with the new: Chile’s ballot box

When a new generation takes charge of the process of a country, when it resolves to enter politics despite the enormous institutional crisis, when it creates its own parties as new tools that no longer respond to the ideologies of…

Gabriel Boric, Speech as President-elect

We publish here in full the speech with which Gabril Boric Font thanks the people of Chile for the enormous vote received, which makes him the youngest President the country has ever had in its history. This act took place…

Xiomara Castro, the rebirth of Honduras

The humiliations suffered by undocumented Central American migrants who try to cross Mexico to reach the United States, seeking safety from the institutional violence of the narco-state, in the case of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, have hurt a lot.…

US Targets Nicaraguan Presidential Election: Former Solidarity Activists Echo Imperial Talking Points

Before Henry Kissinger became a Clinton pal, liberals condemned him for saying: “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important…

Ecuador: With 50% of the votes counted, Andrés Arauz and Yaku Pérez would go to the second round.

Around midnight, Quito time,  the candidate of the Citizen Revolution,  Andrés Arauz and the candidate of Pachakutik,  Yaku Pérez, were leading the presidential elections that took place on Sunday, February 7. A 30.90% for Arauz and a 20.98% for Pérez…

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