
The fascist is “the other”

Since the beginning of the “Special Operation” in Ukraine it has become increasingly common to use the word “fascist” as an insult against “the other”. Only now, and not before, the same Russians who claim to be politically opposed to…

The People Of Ukraine Have Been Severely Betrayed By The US

When A War Is Unsuccessful The war in Ukraine is a multifaceted disaster. If you haven’t heard or if you haven’t accepted that pretty much everything has gone terribly wrong for Ukraine, the US and NATO in this war then…

Mary T. Yelenick’s Letter Published Today in “The New York Times”

To the Editor: Re “U.S. Vows to Dull Russia’s Capacity to Act Militarily” (front page, April 26): However one might view the morality, let alone wisdom, of Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine, it seems clear that one motivation was…

The Problems With Prosecuting Putin

The worst problem is a phony one. That is to say, numerous parties are using the cause of prosecuting Vladimir Putin for “war crimes” as yet another excuse to avoid ending the war — the need for “justice” for war…

The Difficult But More Humane And Sane Option

“Putin Puppets” Over the last two months, we’ve seen and heard a near-uniform drumbeat, a corporately funded chorus of news people, pundits, and Hollywood stars pushing for pretty much every form of military escalation in Ukraine. Curiously, there has been…

The West’s Fanaticism Over Blaming ‘Evil’ Putin Misses the Point—and an Opportunity for a Lasting Peace

Pointing fingers won’t help—an attitude shift is what the world needs now. By Erika Schelby The old long war in Afghanistan has barely ended and already there is a new one, this time in Europe. Most governments, the media, and…

Russia-Ukraine: The Grayzone interviewed former top Pentagon advisor Col. Doug Macgregor

Former senior advisor the Secretary of Defense Col. Doug Macgregor joins Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate for a candid, live discussion of the Russia-Ukraine war and his time in the Trump administration when an Afghan withdrawal was sabotaged and conflict…

The Western war of lies and fake news in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

The dominant cultural hegemony of the West is clearly manifested in the control of the media; the campaign of disinformation, lies, hoaxes, censorship of the media – mainly Russian – and the demonisation of the figure of the President of…

UEFA relocates 2022 Champions League from St. Petersburg to Paris

Saint Petersburg, the second largest Russian city, has lost the hosting rights for the 2022 Union of the European Football Association (UEFA) champion league primarily due to the current Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine. By Kester Kenn Klomegah The Union…

Yanis Varoufakis: Europe Must Stand with Ukraine, Condemn Putin & Roll Back NATO to Restore Peace

President Putin is to blame for the Russian invasion of Ukraine but NATO must also be condemned for "creating the circumstances" for the crisis, says Greek Parliament member @YanisVaroufakis, who was formerly the finance minister of Greece. pic.twitter.com/1T9xXwSlY6 — Democracy…

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