
Five years of Rohingya refugee crisis between Bangladesh-Myanmar

by Samina Akhter Myanmar’s violent ethnic cleansing program, which forcibly forced roughly a million Rohingya Muslims into Bangladeshi refugee camps, marks its fifth anniversary on Thursday (August 25). During the past five years, the population of refugees has increased.  Some…

Bangladesh: Rohingya refugees held peaceful rallies ‘Go Home’ campaign, marking World Refugee Day

On June 20, 2002, thousands of Rohingya refugees held peaceful rallies in Bangladesh, demanding repatriation to Myanmar with safety, dignity and security. The demonstrations were staged under the banner “Let’s go home.” Refugees among 23 crowded camps in Bangladesh’s southeastern…

International Community must pressure Myanmar to ensure the Repatriation of Rohingyas

by Jubeda Chowdhury  A resolution presented by the OIC and the EU on the protection of the Rohingya was unanimously adopted by the United Nations just recently. This is the first time since the crisis began in 2017 that a…

Rohingya Crisis: What is the future of Rohingya youths?

by Hafizur Talukdar Bangladesh is gradually developing a negative attitude towards the Rohingyas. After all, the local people of Ukhia-Teknaf are developing a negative attitude towards the Rohingya among the people of Bangladesh as a whole. As I do research…

Rohingya Crisis: Won’t the Issue be resolved?

by Hafizur Talukdar Almost four years have passed. But the Rohingya issue was not resolved. There is not much movement in Rohingya as various issues have been created in the country. The Rohingya people started fleeing from Myanmar to Bangladesh…

World Bank’s ridiculous suggestions on Rohingya issue

by Nazmul Haq Shamal  Since August 2016, Bangladesh has been enduring the extreme burden of hosting 1.20 million Rohingyas in the country, who were forced to flee Myanmar due to cruel genocide perpetrated by Burmese military junta. Despite repeated promises…

Bangladesh seeks Russia’s help in resolving Rohingya refugee crisis

Dhaka has made a proposal to Moscow to take a trilateral initiative among Bangladesh, Russia and Myanmar to resolve the Rohingya crisis while tripartite consultation among Dhaka, Beijing and Naypyidaw has been halted after military took power in Myanmar. Foreign…

Myanmar: “The people will not surrender until the military junta is overthrown”

In Myanmar, a Southeast Asian country formerly known as Burma, on February 1, the Tatmadaw, the national Army, regained power with a coup, declaring a state of emergency for a year and arresting civilian leaders, whose government it had been…

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