
Interview with COPEHU Peru: Education needs to respond to the sensitivities of the new generations

In the Peru of the bicentenary, new challenges are opening up and, in this sense, it is a new historical moment where rethinking education is a necessity for those of us who aspire to overcome violence. We know that the…

Kenneth Kaunda: A Humanist Friend

A Humanist Friend Kenneth Kaunda the last of the pioneers of independence from African colonialism 1924-2021 I met KK, as he is affectionately called in Zambia, in 1989 when I accompanied Silo (Mario Rodríguez Cobos) on his official visit to…

Heartwarming Testimony for this Days! – Letter to Silo

Dear Mario; Antonio informed me that you have departed from this world, now we live in different spheres, but I feel that our spiritual and moral contact, our friendship and sympathy do not disappear and can never disappear. You and…

Salamat, Silo

PERSONAL ESSAY         May 4, 1969, more than 50 years ago, Silo gave his first public speech to some few hundred people high up in the Andes Mountains near Mount Aconcagua, entitled the Healing of Suffering. It…

Chris Wells: Three songs in the key of hope and joy

INTERVIEW/MUSIC         Pressenza interviewed Chris Wells, one of the singer-songwriters and producer, featured in the album, Songs for Sala, released and available on bandcamp: Chris Wells is a songwriter, actor, teacher and Siloist based in New…

The human being is the problem of the human being

Speech at the 8th Symposium of the World Center for Humanist Studies “A new humanism for a new world – plural exchanges from a world in crisis” held from April 16 to 18 in virtual form with speeches from various…

Report from the Place Where We Do Not Die

TESTIMONY           “We do not die…!” This was what, in astonished recognition, I told myself one day more than twenty years ago, when I stumbled without warning into the Place Where We Do Not Die. I…

Javier Tolcachier: Alternative communication from Pressenza’s experience

Within the framework of the Cycle of Debates on Alternative Communication, Pressenza editor, Javier Tolcachier, spoke this Thursday about the agency’s communication experience. These seminars on critical education and against neoliberalism in education are organised by the International Research Centre…

The most important thing: what crisis are we talking about?

If we have anything to thank the COVID-19 pandemic for, it is that it has precipitated and made transparent a crisis that has been predicted by many for quite some time. We all talk about crises today, but the degrees…

Consistency and efficiency: Aspirations and challenges of humanist parties

Today, Wednesday January 6th, marks the 83rd anniversary of the birth of the ideologue of the New Universalist Humanism, the Argentine philosopher Mario Rodríguez Cobos, better known by his pseudonym, Silo. At the beginning of the 1990s, in the midst…

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