social protests

‘Enough is Enough’: the campaign fighting Britain’s cost of living crisis

Large crowds have been gathering across Britain this last few weeks to attend a series of rallies held by ‘Enough is Enough’, a new campaign focused on combatting Britain’s ongoing cost of living crisis. Announcing its inception at the beginning…

Libya’s Power Cuts Angry Citizens and Protests Rise: UN Secretary Claims For Peace

António Guterres, the UN secretary-general, has asked for peace and calm, especially during the public protests that are generally increasing across Libya over power cuts and failure to hold elections. The poor economic conditions and the rise of oil and…

Social upheaval, revolt and revolution

What we Chileans had in October 2018 was a great social outburst. A broad and national manifestation of acute discontent that was expressed in cities, avenues and even towns all over the country. An unrest that did not hesitate to…

Sri Lankan people demand resignation of government and fundamental changes

The Sri Lankan people are making their protest on the streets felt with FORCE, holding Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s government in check and demanding his resignation. The economic and health emergency is total. A shortage of medicines and petrol, rising prices, rolling…

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