
Sergi Raventós: In the face of poverty and begging, it is necessary to go a step further and propose a basic income

“…Basic income is not the solution to all the problems that this society has… but it can put an end to poverty from an economic point of view, and it can help people to have more freedom to plan their…

Community of Madrid denies treatment to HIV-positive immigrants

The facts Since mid-November we have known that doctors and NGOs are denouncing that the Community of Madrid (CAM) denies or hinders access to HIV treatment to immigrants in an irregular situation who either have just arrived in Spain (having…

Call on Spain, as a responsible power, to proceed with the decolonisation of Western Sahara

La Realidad Saharaui Newspaper/DLRS/ صحيفة الواقع الصحراوي Today in Madrid the Saharawis gathered in Puerta del Sol together with the solidarity movement with the Saharawi cause to condemn the sadly tripartite agreements of Madrid, by which Spain did not decolonise…

Hassana Aalia, the long struggle of the Saharawi people

On 8 November eleven years ago, the experience of 28 days of peaceful encampment in Gdeim Izik ended with the violence of the Moroccan army. We interviewed one of the young protagonists of that experience. I met Hassana Aalia a…

Why is a Basic Income necessary?

The situation of precariousness and inequality that emerges from the latest social statistics is reaching levels that are difficult to assume, and the pandemic has contributed to its aggravation. Given the manifest ineffectiveness of the benefits that should provide a…

The peace that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is building

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons has 55 States Parties and entered into force on 22 January 2021. As 122 states voted in favour of its adoption at the United Nations General Assembly in 2017, it can be…

Loueila Mint: “There is nothing more revolutionary than treating others well”.

We open this second series of builders of the future, with the Saharawi lawyer and activist, Loueila Mint, protagonist of the documentary Aquí estamos by Javier Ríos, in which the plight of migrants arriving in the Canary Islands from Africa…


Cupressus pyramidal stricta is the scientific name, I still remember it, by which the cemetery cypress, which is as tall as it is narrow, is known. The story goes that it is planted in cemeteries so that its roots can…

We must refuse the Europeanization of French deterrence through the FCAS

·       Mounir Satouri (Greens/EFA, EELV) ·       Jordi Solé i Ferrando (Greens/EFA, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) ·       Diana Riba i Giner (Greens/EFA, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) ·       Özlem Demirel (GUE, Die Linke)   Germany, Spain and France have entered, these past few…

The colours of Western Sahara flood the centre of Madrid, calling on Spain to fulfil its obligation as an administering power

This Saturday, 19 June, saw the closing of the March for the Freedom of the Sahrawi People, with a demonstration that brought together tens of thousands of Spaniards and Sahrawis to demand that the government of Pedro Sánchez assume the…

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