Sri Lanka

Supplies arrive in Sri Lanka

The Chinese embassy in Sri Lanka reported the arrival of a shipment of 500 metric tons of rice, donated for distribution to students in need on the Asian island. The 50,000 packets of rice will be followed next week by…

Sri Lanka protests persist even after the election of a new president

On August 20th, there was another major protest in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The protests persisted even after the president fled the country and a new president was appointed. The protests started in March and are still ongoing. In March 2022,…

Sri Lankan people demand resignation of government and fundamental changes

The Sri Lankan people are making their protest on the streets felt with FORCE, holding Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s government in check and demanding his resignation. The economic and health emergency is total. A shortage of medicines and petrol, rising prices, rolling…

Antonio Carvallo Interview Dr Vinya Ariyaratne

Pressenza Interview with Dr Vinya Ariyaratne, President of Sarvodaya the largest NGO in Sri Lanka reaching with their message of compassion and nonviolence over 15000 villages in the country. Transcript: I am Antonio Carvallo editor of presence and member of…

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