
Volodymyr Chemerys, the black sheep of Ukrainian politics

These words are for a friend and colleague whose life is in danger. In the Ukrainian political landscape, increasingly poor, decadent and predictable among so many puppets and so many fanatics, there are few political people left. The flames that…

Interview with Roberto Savio

The Italian-Argentine journalist, director of the OtherNews agency, is a reference in international news studies. By Sebastián Do Rosario and Federico Larsen For years, Russia’s relations with the European Union and the United States have been one of the main…

Drop all charges against Ruslan Kotsaba

In Ukraine, a trial against Ukrainian journalist, pacifist and conscientious objector Ruslan Kotsaba will be held on Tuesday 19 July 2022, simply because he publicly expressed his pacifist views. The International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), War Resisters’ International (WRI), the…

Ukrainian pacifist and objector Ruslan Kotsaba on trial again

In Ukraine, a trial against Ukrainian journalist, pacifist and conscientious objector Ruslan Kostaba will be held on Tuesday 19 July 2022, simply because he publicly expressed his pacifist views. The International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), War Resisters’ International (WRI), the…

Three Illuminating Quotes About The War In Ukraine

Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, and Chris Hedges have lent their expertise to the subject of the war in Ukraine with some recent comments that help bring some much-needed clarity to an often confusing and always contentious issue. Here they are:…

What Would Happen to Russia Without the United States and Europe?

Approximately a year ago, August 2021, Dr Andrey Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) wrote an opinion article in which he rhetorically asked What Would Happen to the World Without the United States. That article was…

Notes from a war that is no longer news

In recent months it has been difficult to make balanced analyses and projections of events, for it must be admitted that with all our arrogance and a supposed understanding of the logic of the Ukrainian-Russian absurdity, we failed to predict…

IFOR speaks on conscientious objection and war in Ukraine at the UN

IFOR took the floor in the plenary of the ongoing 50th session of the UN Human Rights Council during the Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet -at her last ID at the UN HRC- on the situation in…

Ukraine Is the Latest Neocon Disaster

The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement.  The Biden Administration is packed with the same neocons who championed the US wars of choice in Serbia (1999), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), Syria…

50 years after Nixon’s trip to China

Fifty years ago, President Nixon made an international tour that would change the fate of the world: the visit of a US president to China for the first time in two decades. By Patricio Torres Luque* This was the great…

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