
Ukraine is Losing Badly and Things Are About to Get Much Worse for Them, Unless …

A Bit Of Context For Those Who Decide To Read This The information in the article you are about to read, if you choose to read on, will most likely clash with some of the mainstream media’s presentation of what…

U.S. Military Spending Is Undebatable Because Indefensible

Spain, Thailand, Germany, Japan, Netherlands — The word has gone out that every government can buy a lot more weapons with either no debate at all or with all debate shut down by a single word: Russia. Do a web…

Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia exposes the Ukraine narrative for the sham It Is

In a major walkback from his campaign pledge to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” for human rights abuses like the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, President Biden will reportedly visit Riyadh with the goal of persuading Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to…

Ukrainian official behind Western media reports of Russian atrocities fired by Ukrainian parliament

A Ukrainian government official frequently cited as a source by western news media for her allegations of atrocities committed by Russian troops has been fired by the Ukrainian parliament, in part because of the unevidenced nature of those claims. Newsweek…

Reactors in a war zone and potential health consequences

Nuclear power plants are vulnerable to meltdown at any time, but they are especially vulnerable during wars, such as we are seeing in Ukraine, as evidenced by Russian attacks on the six-reactor Zaporizhizhia nuclear power facility and on the closed nuclear facility…

Vatican hatred” and Russophobia

“The hatred of the Vatican” is not a quote from a publication on the Croatian genocide against the Serbs between 1941-1945. It is a phrase used by three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Thornton Wilder in his novel “The Bridge of San…

What’s Really Happening In Ukraine: Russia Is Winning

The NY Times Suggests That “Winning” Might Not Be A Realistic Aim For Ukraine A little less than a week ago the editorial board of the New York Times posted an article that essentially calls for Ukraine and US-NATO forces…

Face 2 Face with John V. Walsh

LIVE SHOW on Friday, May 27 at 2:30 PM In this show, we speak with John Walsh about the war in Ukraine and the shift in editorial direction by the NY Times, one the main shapers of public opinion for…

The U.S. Unilateral Sanctions Against Russia Will Produce a Global Food Disaster

“There is really no true solution to the problem of global food security without bringing back the agriculture production of Ukraine and the food and fertilizer production of Russia and Belarus into world markets despite the war.” These blunt words…

New York Times Repudiates Drive for “Decisive Military Victory” in Ukraine, Calls for Peace Negotiations.

Ukraine must negotiate based on a “realistic assessment” and “limits” to U.S./NATO commitment, says NYT. A week ago, we made note of a May 11 New York Times news article, documenting that all was not going well for the U.S.…

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