Unconditional Basic Income

On wages, universal and unconditional basic income and Buen Vivir: there is much to think about and do!

In a capitalist society, wage controversy is a difficult obstacle to overcome. And in a capitalist society like Brazil’s, this controversy easily becomes even more complex. Wage differentials often appear as an expression of inequalities, concealing their economic nature. Thus,…

How can we influence European policies as citizens?

May 9th, Europe Day, through a new initiative, also becomes EU Sign Day, and is calling on European citizens to sign the European Citizens’ Initiatives and in that way strengthen their participation in the EU policies. 9th of May is…

Promote first ever PSA for UBI

Fund for Humanity has led the creation of this amazing ad / PSA. Starting today, Jan. 14th at 3pm ET and for the next six weeks, the PSA will launch on air on websites like CNN, Wall Street Journal, and…

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