United Nations

From 24 to 30 October, United Nations celebrates Disarmament Week

A disarmament agenda to save humanity and our future Disarmament Week seeks to promote awareness and better understanding of disarmament issues and their wide-ranging importance. Beginning on 24 October, the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, the week-long…

It is urgent to re-found the UN if we aspire to a Universal Human Nation

24 October, United Nations (UN) Day, marks the anniversary of the day on which the United Nations Charter came into force in 1945. Shortly afterwards, in April 1946, after failing in its attempts to prevent a Second World War, the…

China, a threat for some and hope for others

We are already accustomed to the hypocrisy of Western powers, their opinion-makers and hegemonic media when it comes to classifying countries and governments as good or bad, angels or demons, depending on whether or not they are allies in their…

Colombian President Gustavo Petro’s moving speech at the United Nations

It may not have been the best speech, because the topics he addressed were limited, but it is the one that brought tears to many people’s eyes. The whole speech was very emotional, courageous and beautiful. Of course, because of…

Haitian organisations question and demand retraction of UN Secretary General and change in the basis of the relationship with Haiti

In the midst of the massive demonstrations of a popular uprising that has paralyzed the country for the past 15 days, an OPEN LETTER addressed to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres by 42 important groups and networks of Haitian social…

United Nations Assembly: Petro proposes a new economic, social and environmental model: Less cocaine and deforestation. More peace, biodiversity and prosperity

The Colombian president delivered his speech to the other UN representatives, to whom he asked to be part of the solution to the problems that affect most countries. Gustavo Petro, President of Colombia, attended the General Assembly of the United…

Peru climbed 12 places in the Global Digitalisation Index

Eleven countries are ranked number 1 in the world, of which six are from Europe, two from Asia, two from Oceania and one from the Americas (Peru). The report also highlights that Peru climbed 12 positions in the UN’s Global…

Russia calls out Western elites at UN (WATCH FULL SPEECH)

By refusing to negotiate, the US and NATO left Moscow no choice but to launch its military operation in Ukraine, FM Sergey Lavrov said Years of NATO encroachment on Russia and the West’s refusal to negotiate over Ukraine left Russia “no…

Four Chinese initiatives for global governance – Interview with Mr. Niu Qingbao, Ambassador of China to Chile

We had the pleasure of being able to talk in depth, with sufficient time and tranquillity, with Mr Niu Qingbao, Ambassador of China in Chile. Due to the length of our conversation, we are publishing the interview in three parts,…

Congo, the Blue Helmets shoot and kill civilians: nobody talks about the failure of the UN

There are some facts happening in the world that are extremely serious, but very few media talk about them. Few weeks ago, for example, shocking news from the Democratic Republic of Congo has passed silently. On July 26 in Goma,…

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