United States

Ladies and Gentlemen who represent the United States

We call upon you in the name of the Agora of the earth’s inhabitants, in the name of your electors who have chosen you to defend life in its multiplicity, the life of despoiled humans, the life of uprooted forests,…

Mexico and the United States adopt new approach to migration

Mexico is coordinating a new approach with the United States to achieve orderly, safe, regular and humane migration in the region, the Mexican foreign ministry announced today. The Foreign Ministry informed in a press release that the United States responded…

NATO’s responsibility for the war in Ukraine: Clinton’s weak defence

In an interview broadcast on CNN on Sunday 18 September, former President Clinton defended himself against frequent accusations that the Ukrainian crisis was the responsibility of NATO’s expansion into Eastern Europe. It was under Clinton’s presidency that the Czech Republic,…

Response to Bill Clinton

In response to recent statements by former US President Bill Clinton, in which he rejects criticism that blames NATO enlargement for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and adds that “When I did what I did, I offered Russia not only a…

Russia and China reject US behaviour

As a new consultation meeting on security issues is being prepared for tomorrow (19 September) in Beijing, which will be attended by senior Chinese and Russian officials, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said today that various types of provocative actions originating…

Assange supporters call for ‘Truth not War’ on UN Peace Day

Calls of ‘Truth not War’ can be heard around the globe this week as supporters of the world’s most famous political prisoner, Australian journalist Julian Assange, rally for his immediate release by the 21st anniversary of the United Nations International Day of Peace (21 Sept…

The daily slaughter

The Yankees are the most powerful country in the world. They are the richest, have the best army, the best cars, eat the most junk food, and are the fattest, although the latter is not in the movies. If you…

Are the US and the UK authoritarian regimes? Julian Assange’s supporters think so

A young Italian woman is the latest “street installation” activist to protest the media’s silence regarding the inhumane treatment of Julian Assange by the UK and the U.S. Her installation in a square in Como lambastes the two self-styled democracies…

Nancy Pelosi’s miracle

The visit of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and the provocation to China that it entails can only be interpreted as one more action in the escalation of tensions that Washington wants to generate in…

What Would Happen to Russia Without the United States and Europe?

Approximately a year ago, August 2021, Dr Andrey Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) wrote an opinion article in which he rhetorically asked What Would Happen to the World Without the United States. That article was…

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