United States

My Name Is ARMFIN. I Am the God of Total Power

I am working these days on the global war in Ukraine and the financialisation of water and nature on a global scale. The freewheeling text below has emerged as a ‘side effect’.. RP Who I am. I come from distant,…

Free Leonard Peltier and all political prisoners, meetings to break the silence

On the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the Oglala events, which took place on June 26, 1975 in the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, numerous initiatives were held to remember the story of Leonard Peltier and demand his…

An ancient battlefield

“The woman’s problem has always been a man’s problem” Simone de Beauvoir. In recent days, three decisions of the US Supreme Court have outlined the path of a radical step backward in terms of rights, but also the confirmation of…

Noam Chomsky: Assange’s extradition is a major crime

Thanks to the support of Gerardo Femina of Europe for Peace, we were able to ask some questions to Noam Chomsky, who has already written so much about the Assange case, following it closely and fighting for the freedom of…

Diminished people – abolition of democracy in the U.S.?

For quite some time now you can read that democracy in the USA is endangered, especially by current efforts to change the right to vote. I wanted to understand what is going on and have compiled the information available on…

Progressive International: The Athens Declaration

Today, 13/5/2022, three members of the Progressive International, Jeremy Corbyn, Ece Temelkuran and Yanis Varoufakis, called a press conference to make public the Athens Declaration on the Russian invasion and the war in Ukraine. Here is the text: The War…

“The policy of the USA has always been to prevent Germany and Russia from cooperating more closely”

Historical, political and economic background of the Ukraine war Interview by Thomas Kaiser with Jacques Baud Jacques Baud holds a master’s degree in Econometrics and a postgraduate degree in International Security from the Graduate Institute of International Relations in Geneva…

War or peace?

We deplore Russia’s military aggression in the country of Ukraine, whilst we are aware of the multiple economic and political interests that paved the way for and that are driving the conflict. Our priority is to stop the war, save…

A conflict over Ukraine embroils four of the world’s major nuclear powers

By Thalif Deen for InDepthNews. The spiraling crisis in Ukraine has an ominous underlying fact: it is a conflict that involves four of the world’s major nuclear powers: the US, Russia, UK and France, with the remaining five, namely China,…

Time to start stopping the wars: No war in Ukraine, then no war anywhere.

The Ukraine crisis intensifies, with no clear path to resolution. A military confrontation between the United States and Russia, the world’s most heavily armed nuclear nations, could spell disaster. It is time for the people of the world to cry Enough! No…

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