United States

US-German gas trade war: the US trap

Let’s face it: if the price of gas is rising, if families can’t pay their bills, if industries are being forced to close down, if we are living this nightmare today, it is because of a trade war that the…

Celebrating Veterans for Peace’s Nuclear Posture Review & Preventing a Ukraine War

Last month, in January 2022, Veteran’s for Peace launched their own Nuclear Posture Review, pre-empting the US government’s own review which is due later this year. Last weekend, an on-line event was held to present the findings of the alternative…

What Russia wants

Russia does not want to invade Ukraine Both Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, and its Foreign Secretary, Sergey Laverov, have repeatedly stated that Russia does not intend to invade Ukraine. Logic also tells us that if they had wished to do…

The role of NATO, Europe and the invisible people in the conflict in Ukraine

The tensions in Ukraine between the United States and some of its allies on the one hand and the Russian Federation on the other are developing within a very complex context, where several factors play an important role. There is…

The Illegality of NATO

By John Scales Avery. Recent threats of war over Ukraine Russia understandably fears the eastward expansion of NATO. Recently NATO countries, led by the United States, have supplied arms to Ukraine. There is a threat that the tensions building up…

North Korea, Perpetual Victim of the US Military-Industrial Complex

By Alice Slater for InDepthNews. It seems hard to believe that in these possible end times in the midst of a global pandemic with an endless succession of catastrophic climate disasters and thousands of nuclear weapons poised and pointed in…

The U.S. Betrays Its Heritage by Threatening World War III Against Russia and China

Americans who cherish our country’s legacy are horrified by our headlong rush to war. America at its best was the very motor of world progress, higher living standards and peace. That is our true national identity. We betray “the better…

Common Security Approaches to Resolve the Ukraine and European Crises

By Joseph Gerson* We have been bombarded by news reports and announcements from President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent. On January 18, as he prepared to leave for Kyiv, Berlin and…

Veterans For Peace Releases Nuclear Posture Review

The U.S.-based international organization Veterans For Peace has released its own assessment of the current global threat of nuclear war, ahead of the anticipated release of the Biden Administration’s Nuclear Posture Review. The Veterans For Peace Nuclear Posture Review warns…

Global network to eliminate nuclear weapons calls on the United States, Russia, the UK, France and China to match words with actions

In 1970, at the height of the Cold War, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) came into force. Under the Treaty, which today includes all but five UN member states, five states acknowledged to possess nuclear weapons, the United States, Russia,…

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