Universal Basic Income

A Guaranteed Income Can Increase Workers’ Bargaining Power

Basic income schemes are no silver bullet to make up for the loss of well-paid union jobs. But they can allow workers say no to the most thankless, low-wage work — and provide a platform from which to rebuild our…

“Basic Income would allow us to gain a social base that is essential to defeat fascism”. Interview with Daniel Raventós

Laure Vega conducted this interview for Catarsi magazine. We begin, as always, with a brief explanation of what Basic Income is and its defence from a republican perspective: Basic Income is a public, monetary, unconditional and universal allocation. It is…

An Unconditional Basic Income for Every Inhabitant of the Planet Is Necessary and Possible

An unconditional basic income for every inhabitant of the planet is both necessary and possible. This intervention took place within the panel “Is an unconditional basic income necessary and possible for every inhabitant of the planet?“, during the 8th Symposium…

Basic Income at the WSF: “Ensuring subsistence is the material basis for our liberation”.

Within the World Social Forum 2021, a panel took place on 25 January with the title RBUI, gaining freedom by ensuring subsistence. The speakers were Eduardo Suplicy, Sergio Mesquita and the author of the paper reproduced below, Juana Pérez Montero.…

World: Positive news in the difficult year of the pandemic

Is there any positive news in this era that was accompanied by the outbreak of a pandemic? Here are some news and texts that, as human beings, fill us with pride. Because, they allow us to move forward, breaking down…

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