Vladimir Putin

Rise Of The New Decadents

Francis Fukuyama’s Fever Dream Thirty years ago an American Political Scientist named Francis Fukuyama declared, without irony, that history had come to an end.(1) He meant it figuratively of course, but he also wasn’t kidding around. He was quite serious.…

50 years after Nixon’s trip to China

Fifty years ago, President Nixon made an international tour that would change the fate of the world: the visit of a US president to China for the first time in two decades. By Patricio Torres Luque* This was the great…

Endless War in Ukraine Hurts National and Global Security

What are the United States’ goals in the Ukraine war? Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin recently announced that the United States wants “Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading…

The West laid bare: the Third War had already begun (and we didn’t see it)

Whoever starts armed aggression is never sympathetic, but we have Putin to thank for the fact that the West has dropped its mask. For decades, Russia has been complaining about NATO aggression by extending its borders to make Ukraine its…

China seeks to take the lead in the pacification of Ukraine

It is very difficult to pinpoint when a war starts. The starting signal depends on who is telling the story and whose interests it serves. Clearly, the important date is that of the end of a conflict, the signing of…

The invasion of Ukraine

From the point of view of European interests, nothing would be simpler than establishing neutrality statutes and renouncing the deployment of nuclear weapons. by Rafael Poch for Ctxt.es That Russia is going to “invade Ukraine”, occupying the whole country, is…

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