Western Sahara

Western Sahara: occupation forces sweep through Dakhla after several days of demonstrations

The occupying forces yesterday stormed violently into the occupied city of Dakhla, attacking participants in demonstrations which have been taking place over the last few days over the disappearance of Lahbib Aghrichi, a Saharawi. These demonstrations, peaceful and well organised,…

Morocco’s grotesque manoeuvres to whitewash the Jaya case

Today, the occupying forces withdrew from the house of Sultana Jaya. Sultana, excited, called her family and friends so that they could come and visit her. At last! The blockade was over. False alarm, the policemen guarding the door had…

Morocco Drives a War in Western Sahara for Its Phosphates

In November 2020, the Moroccan government sent its military to the Guerguerat area, a buffer zone between the territory claimed by the Kingdom of Morocco and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR). The Guerguerat border post is at the very…

Climate Colonialism: Why Was Occupied Western Sahara Excluded from COP26 U.N. Summit in Scotland?

Activists are criticizing the British government for excluding Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco since 1975, from the U.N. climate summit in Scotland. Meanwhile, Morocco is counting renewable energy developments in Western Sahara toward its own climate pledges. Sahrawi activists and…

The colours of Western Sahara flood the centre of Madrid, calling on Spain to fulfil its obligation as an administering power

This Saturday, 19 June, saw the closing of the March for the Freedom of the Sahrawi People, with a demonstration that brought together tens of thousands of Spaniards and Sahrawis to demand that the government of Pedro Sánchez assume the…

Morocco uses migration to win economic improvements and support from Europe in the Western Sahara conflict

In the early hours of Monday morning, 17 May, dozens of Moroccans, who ended up numbering around 8,000, began to enter Ceuta, the Spanish enclave city on Moroccan Territory. They did so by swimming, crossing the Tarajal and Benzú spurs…

Western Sahara: the Moroccan monarchy and Polisario, a frozen conflict

Western Sahara is a desert territory populated by nomadic tribes, which has never been organized into a Nation-state. A territory of 266 000 km2 in northwestern Africa, bordered by Morocco to the north, Algeria to the northeast, Mauritania to the east and…

Will Biden Admin Reverse Trump’s “Dangerous” Recognition of Morocco’s Occupation of Western Sahara?

President Donald Trump broke with decades of U.S. foreign policy in the waning days of his administration and recognized Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara, a territory the country has occupied since 1975 in defiance of the United Nations and the…

Academics launch a Letter of Solidarity with Western Sahara, which they invite to sign

Professors from the Universities of Sussex, Princeton, Carleton and Exeter have published a letter inviting you to sign Letter of Solidarity with Western Sahara As scholars, researchers, activists and concerned individuals, we, the undersigned, strongly condemn President Donald Trump’s proclamation…

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