
Who is in charge of women’s pain? The importance of charities like Endometriosis UK

Endometriosis UK is one of the UK’s leading charities supporting Endometriosis sufferers. First established by volunteers as the National Endometriosis Society in 1981, they work to debunk the false myths about this disease, raise awareness and help people give a…

Peru: Stop violence against women

Despite the various and permanent campaigns against violence against women and feminicide, the problem persists and is one of the most serious in our society today, along with corruption of officials, delinquency and organised crime and family violence. In documents…

Collective construction as a beacon for Mapuche women of Neuquén

Last Saturday the “First Meeting of Mapuche Women of the Zonal Council of the Mapuche Confederation of Neuquén” took place in the Lof Campo Maripe. Women from different communities met with the intention of creating a space to address different…

Contempt for women in Brazil, Patria A(r)mada

Although not surprising, the violence perpetrated by magistrate Joana Ribeiro Zimmer, who denied the right to an abortion to an 11-year-old rape victim, is astonishing, demonstrating the perversity of the current government’s agenda of customs. In the same week, prosecutor…

Convention 189: historic consensus in the Spanish Congress

Convention 189 of the International Labour Organisation unites all parties to ratify that domestic and care worker have labour rights equivalent to those of any other salaried worker. By Gessamí Forner and Pablo Elorduy/El salto diario Today (09/06) was a…

Exercising “mujeriez” (womanising)

What had to happen happened. The alliance between a lout and a deluded man could not go well. The candidate who won almost six million votes did not accept that the candidate with less than 900,000 would change the rules…

APDHA calls for justice and reparation for María Salmerón

The Andalusian Human Rights Association (APDHA) today (24/05) called for justice and reparation to compensate for the flagrant violation of human rights suffered by María Salmerón, the mother sentenced to 9 months in prison for not allowing her daughter to…

The scourge of human trafficking in Ghana

It seems like only yesterday that Cissy, 25, was lured by a man claiming to be a travel agent who promised her the opportunity of a high-paying job. “Because I am a young woman who comes from a normal family…

WSF 2022: Women and the informal economy. Challenges of precariousness

Some topics require time for reflection in order to absorb the information received, to understand it and to put it in dialogue with our knowledge. This was the case for this panel composed of six speakers from different countries (Guatemala,…

Our menstrual cycles: demonised and costly

The period, the month, the issue, the period, the mens, “Andrés came”, Juana la colorada, “it came”, “I’m sick”, indisposed. You’re nervous: are you menstruating? You are hysterical. From menstruation onwards, you become a “señorita”. Menstruation is a hidden and…

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